Team #24059
What is FTC?
FTC, also known as "First Tech Challenge," is a robotics competition where students design, build, and code a robot to compete against other teams. FTC promotes students to think like engineers and helps them grow their skills. Not only does it encourage engineering, but it also promotes gracious professionalism, perseverance, teamwork, and more. We'd love for you to support and help our FTC team!
We are a group of 6 enthusiastic 9th graders who share a love for robotics!
We're the Dynamic Darts, a rookie team, and we're really excited to compete in this years FTC! We're based in Houston, Texas and are like minded individuals who love robots! We love participating in “FIRST” events because it provides us with opportunities for growth while providing us with a platform of continuous learning . Furthermore, these events guarantee that every individual within our team can make a meaningful contribution, aligning perfectly with our core values and passion for inclusivity.